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13.9.2015 CAC Eslöv, S
Judge: Lyudmila Tchistiakova, RUS

BOB, IV. BIG male:

Rieskant's Glamrocker

BOS: female

Soya's Untouchable

CAC male:

Piquants Moon Pai

res. CAC male:

Highland Crest Eye of the Tiger

CAC female:

Highland Crest Addicted to You

res. CAC female:

Smash Rock Again

Junior female:

Highland Crest Addicted to You

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XMALES - cl. Best male
M 1 - Rieskant's Glamrocker (i)
*13.7.2013 Rolling Rock of Surprise & Rieskant's Time for Miracles
M 2 - Piquants Moon Pai (i)
*9.11.2013 Havasu Pai & Piquants Playing with Myself
M 3 - Highland Crest Eye of the Tiger (i)
*17.12.2013 Jazzing Dirty Harry & Highland Crest Tiptop Tosha

M 4 - Almstranden's Winter Tristan (i)
*6.3.2012 Highland Crest Master Monty & Almstranden's Winter Clara
XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1 - Mac High's Sparkling Castor (i)
*9.12.2014 Highland Crest Master Monty & Mac High's Tingeling
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CK, 2. BD, CAC - Piquants Moon Pai (i)
*9.11.2013 Havasu Pai & Piquants Playing with Myself
M Exc2, CK, 3. BD, res. CAC - Highland Crest Eye of the Tiger (i)
*17.12.2013 Jazzing Dirty Harry & Highland Crest Tiptop Tosha

XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CK, 4. BD - Almstranden's Winter Tristan (i)
*6.3.2012 Highland Crest Master Monty & Almstranden's Winter Clara
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CK, 1. BD, BOB, IV. BIG - Rieskant's Glamrocker (i)
*13.7.2013 Rolling Rock of Surprise & Rieskant's Time for Miracles

XFEMALES - cl. Best female
M 1 - Soya's Untouchable (i)
*26.8.2012 Bazetts Gordon & Soya's Mama Mia
M 2 - Highland Crest Addicted to You (i)
*9.7.2014 Peter Pan Devil in Disguise & La Clase de New Gryffindor
M 3 - Smash Rock Again (i)
*13.5.2014 Rolling Rock of Surprise & Nillatorps Smash Superstition
M 4 - Rieskant's Rock'n Roll Angel (i)
*13.7.2013 Rolling Rock of Surprise & Rieskant's Time for Miracles
XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, CK, 2. BB, CAC - Highland Crest Addicted to You (i)
*9.7.2014 Peter Pan Devil in Disguise & La Clase de New Gryffindor
M Exc2 - Mac High's Shining Supernova (i)
*9.12.2014 Highland Crest Master Monty & Mac High's Tingeling
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CK, 3. BB, res. CAC - Smash Rock Again (i)
*13.5.2014 Rolling Rock of Surprise & Nillatorps Smash Superstition
M Exc2, CK - Tails Up Show Me (i)
*8.11.2013 Here I am vom Deipen Brook & Tails Up Showtime
M 3 - Shakers Highland Queen (i)
*16.9.2013 Primos Union Jack & Shakers Caipirjnha
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CK, 4. BB - Rieskant's Rock'n Roll Angel (i)
*13.7.2013 Rolling Rock of Surprise & Rieskant's Time for Miracles
M VG2 - Tails Up Tigers First Choice (i)
*7.1.2013 Royal Attitude vom Deipen Brook & Tails Up The Living Daylights
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CK, 1. BB, BOS - Soya's Untouchable (i)
*26.8.2012 Bazetts Gordon & Soya's Mama Mia
XFEMALES - cl. veteran
M Exc1, CK, Best Veteran - Mellanmöllan Delicious Tosca (i)
*23.10.2006 Snedronningen's Take That & Mellanmöllan Tia Maria


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