Trial pedigree
Bellevue Spirit Catcher & Hanule Bílá amfora

Generations: (max 10)

Complete pedigree: max 9 generations.

DNA profile

Diversity coefficient: N/A (ideal 0, max N/A)


Available 62 from max 62 dogs => 100.00 % of pedigree.

Ancestor Loss Coefficient
AVK 85.48 % (ideal 100 %)

Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient
IC = 1.1719 % (ideal 0 %, FCI max 12,5 %)

Krisma Streetwise: 0.7813 %
Wesscots One Knight Stand: 0.3906 %

Repeated ancestors from 62 dogs
Wesscots One Knight Stand: 3x
Mac Hars of Bellevue: 2x
Krisma Keynote at Olac: 2x
Ashgate Braw Bricht Lass: 2x
Krisma Streetwise: 2x
Ashgate Bern Era: 2x
Bournehaven Birthday Guy: 2x
Ashgate Sinclair: 2x

Bellevue Spirit Catcher
Bellevue Careless Spirit
Bournehaven Birthday Guy
Ashgate Bern Era
Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Braw Bricht Lass
Bellevue Ring Leader of Bournehaven
Mac Hars of Bellevue
Dellie Fure of Bellevue
Wesscots Second T'none
Wesscots One Knight Stand
Wesscots Knight Ayr
Wesscots Honeymoon
Wesscots Joyous
Wesscots Knight in Arms
Wesscots Jump F'Joy
Holly Munday from Asheridgelee
Bellevue Trigger Happy
Krisma Streetwise
Wesscots One Knight Stand
Krisma Keynote at Olac
Bellevue Tiger Lilly
Bournehaven Birthday Guy
Bellevue Sweet Charity
Bonny Cleo
Ashgate Bern Era
Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Braw Bricht Lass
Chelsea Blue
Mac Hars of Bellevue
Victorias Surprize Lady
Hanule Bílá amfora
Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Paul Hochons du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Nemail Diamant du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Impact du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Jewel Box du Moulin de Mac Gregor
N'Est ce Pas du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Incentivo de Cinoteca Nono
Wesscots Over the Moon
Ni Vue Ni Connue du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Caithness Prototype
Souwick's Brett
Caithness Puzzle
Jubbly Bubbly du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Wesscots Gladiator
Holycross Bo-Peep
Daisy Bílá amfora
Charosmack Cold as Ice
Krisma Streetwise
Wesscots One Knight Stand
Krisma Keynote at Olac
Charosmack Clear Dreams
Charosmack Clog Dancer
Wee-Hy-Lynn Cheerleader
Cellesta Paladium West
Michael Happy Naux
Danskots Alexander
Hanni Happy Naux
Aranka Paladium West
Mars Suprise
Iris Happy Naux

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